Kathryn Root, Shareholder of Gevurtz Menashe, was reappointed as Chairperson of the ABA Family Law Section’s International Law Committee effective following the ABA Annual Meeting in August 2016.
The International Law Committee of the ABA Family Law Section is active in monitoring developments in international family law, including legislation and case decisions, and it produces continuing legal education programs on issues which are of interest to all family law attorneys. Committee members maintain connections with the ABA International Law Section, other committees of the Family Law Section, the U.S. State Department Office Of Children’s Issues, the Hague Conference, and other international organizations. Root has focused her practice on family law, with an emphasis on International family law and custody disputes for 26 years.
Additionally, Root served as the Moderator for a Plenary CLE Program titled “Cross-Border Hot Tips” presented during the ABA Family Law Section Fall Conference in Quebec City, Canada on October 22, 2016.