OWLS has 13 regional chapters. Each chapter hosts its own meetings and events. To find out more about a local chapter, contact the chapter representative at the link below. A slideshow with additional details about active chapters & committees is available here:
Clackamas County: Clackamas Women Lawyers
Deschutes County: Cascade Women Lawyers, Bend
Douglas County: The Joan Seitz Law Society
Hood River and Wasco Counties: Gorge OWLS (GROWLS)
Jackson County: Rogue Women Lawyers, Ashland/Medford
Josephine County: Josephine County Women Lawyers, Grants Pass
Lane County: Lane County Women Lawyers, Eugene area
Linn and Benton Counties: Linn-Benton Women Lawyers, Albany/Corvallis
Marion and Polk Counties: Mary Leonard Chapter
Multnomah County: Queen’s Bench
Umatilla and Morrow Counties: The Rebecca J. Bloom Chapter
Washington County: Lawyers’ Association of Washington County