Law Firm and Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
Oregon Women Lawyers depends on our law firm and community supporters to help underwrite the costs of our events and to assist in our work of transforming the practice of law. Sponsorship opportunities are available for firms and companies that wish to support Oregon Women Lawyers’ work to transform the legal profession by pursuing equitable access to the legal system and equity for women and communities who are systemically oppressed.
For information about upcoming sponsorship opportunities, a more complete description of an event, or a summary of the recognition and acknowledgment provided for sponsors of each event, please contact executive director Linda Tomassi.
Roberts & Deiz Award Celebration
The Roberts & Deiz Award Celebration is OWLS’ signature event. Held annually each spring, it attracts hundreds of members of the Oregon legal community. With the OWLS Roberts & Deiz Award, OWLS honors individuals who have made outstanding contributions to promoting women and others outside the dominant culture in the legal profession and in the community.
Inter-Professional Networking Events
Events intended to encourage networking with lawyers by those in other professions are held each year in various locations around Oregon.
Generally, one firm sponsors the event by picking up the tab for the food. The amount is approximately $1400-$2000 for sole sponsorship of the event.
Fall CLE and Reception
For information on sponsorship opportunities for the annual Fall CLE and 35th Anniversary Reception, contact Linda Tomassi. Firm co-sponsorships are $300-500, Reception Sponsorships are $1500 and the Title Sponsorship is $3000.
The OWLS quarterly newsletter, the AdvanceSheet, has a circulation of over 1000. Advertisers reach a highly targeted audience for very reasonable rates. The AdvanceSheet is published in January, April, July, and October. Advertising rates depending on size and frequency; please see OWLS Advertising Guide for rates, specs, and deadlines.
CLEs, Workshops and Other Programs
Throughout the year, small CLEs, workshops and other programs are held. Typically, a law firm or other organization provides the meeting space for these events. Sometimes hosts also provide coffee, tea or other refreshments.
DragonFlies Dragonboat Team
The OWLS DragonFlies is an award-winning team of paddlers who compete throughout the region every summer. Sponsors support the team at a wide range of levels. Go to the OWLS Dragonflies Website for more information.
In-kind Services and Support
Like other professional organizations, OWLS purchases services such as printing, graphic design, and computer/technical support. We are always grateful for donated services that help us defray some of those costs.