Volunteer committees are the backbone of Oregon Women Lawyers. Committee work varies in duration and time commitment, with some committees serving as limited-term “project” committees and others providing year-round guidance and oversight for issue areas. Committee work is one of the best ways to support OWLS – and make friends and professional connections in the process. Committee members are members of OWLS. A slideshow with additional details about active chapters & committees is available here: Contact OWLS staff or fill out this survey to learn more.
AdvanceSheet Committee
Oversees production and publication of the OWLS quarterly newsletter. A standing committee, the group meets quarterly and consists of staff, OWLS members, and board members. Committee work includes planning, soliciting and writing articles and features. Chair: Joslyn Keating
Awards Committee
Promotes diversity in nominations for awards given by other organizations to promote representation. Committee work includes researching local and national awards, making recommendations to the Board regarding nominations for awards, and coordinating nomination packets. Co-Chair: Sara Kobak
Community Service Committee
Organizes members and guests for community-related philanthropic activities. Committee work includes planning community service projects and coordinating clothing or book drives. Co-Chairs: Ayla Ercin & Keturah Taylor
Contract Lawyers Referral Service
OWLS maintains and markets a listing of available OWLS contract lawyers. The Contract Lawyers Service provides job listings and information for contract lawyers.
Fall CLE Task Force
Plans and coordinate the annual OWLS Fall conference. The committees typically convenes for 4-6 months. Activities include everything from preparing the brochure to arranging the conference site, obtaining speakers, sponsors and vendors, and sending thank-you letters. 2024 Chair: Marisa Moneyhun
Judicial Task Force
Advocates for diverse viewpoints in the judicial appointment process. Committee work includes providing information about judicial vacancies to members, responding to member requests for information and support, and informing members about judicial selection processes for state and federal courts. Co-Chairs: Jessica Price and Hon. Kamala Shugar
Member Advancement Committee
Develops strategies and materials to increase and retain OWLS membership through personal and professional development programming for members, engagement and promotion of inclusive leadership skills for members and volunteers, and ensuring that OWLS is accessible to members in all geographic regions of the state. Committee work includes planning CLEs, moderated panels, in person and zoom programming; collaboration among OWLS Leaders, the Oregon law schools, and planning programming for the Annual Chapter Summit in conjunction with the Fall Conference Taskforce. Co-Chairs: Emily Busse, Mary Dougherty and Ashley McDonald
Roberts & Deiz Award Committee
Plans and coordinates the annual award celebration. The committee typically convenes for 6 months leading up to the event in May. Committee work includes everything from preparing the video interviews to arranging the event site, soliciting nominations and making recommendations to the Board for the annual award, soliciting sponsors and vendors, and sending thank-you letters. Chair: Gina Ko
Transformation Committee
Develops and maintains current strategies and materials to eliminate bias, discrimination, and harassment in the practice of law and to ensure that OWLS is accessible to communities who are systemically oppressed. Committee work includes providing a forum for hybrid events and planning DEI programs and events in collaboration with committees, chapters, and affinity bar organizations, promoting intersectional feminism within OWLS, and coordinating code of conduct policies and procedures, including the Annual Spring CLE. Co-Chairs: Lisa Shevlin and Amanda Thorpe
Working Parents Committee
Works to support lawyers who are caregivers or contemplating becoming caregivers. The Committee provides programming related to family leave, work life balance, career advancement, alternate work schedules, childcare, and parenting skills. A subcommittee works to develop model policies and practices needed to recruit and retain talented parent lawyers. The Committee also supports events and networking opportunities. Co-Chairs: Brett Applegate and Kimberly Stuart