Are you a Hiring Attorney?
If you are an attorney interested in posting a project or job opportunities on the OWLS Contract Lawyers Listserv, please email the OWLS office with your posting.
Submitting Your Posting: Briefly describe the project, including the time frame, and any specific skills or qualifications required, e.g., Washington Bar membership, substantial litigation experience, and include the location info (remote work or in office, include city). Your description of the project will be posted on the listserv. Your contact will be listed unless you ask that it be anonymous.
Getting Responses: Contract lawyers will contact the hiring attorney directly, providing them with a cover email, resume and references. The OWLS office does no screening nor does it endorse specific applicants. Hiring decisions, pay rates and terms are left to the hiring attorney and the contract lawyer. Oregon Women Lawyers does not charge hiring attorneys any fee. Click here for thoughts on the advantages and issues in hiring a contract lawyer. Click here for an article on establishing a working relationship with a contract attorney.
Are You a Contract Lawyer?
Are you interested in pursuing contract lawyer work and connecting with other contract lawyers? If so, become a member of the OWLS Contract Lawyers Listserv. The Contract Lawyers Service will connect you with contract lawyer projects and put you in touch with other contract attorneys.
Members of the Contract Lawyers Service have access to contract projects that are posted on the listserv by employers. The Service also provides a forum for members to communicate with other contract lawyers about issues that arise in the area of contract lawyering.
To join the Contract Lawyers Service, you must:
- be an active member of OWLS;
- pay an annual fee of $20 (not pro-rated);
- be a lawyer in good standing in at least one state bar; and
- be actively pursuing work as a contract lawyer.
How to Join
Step One:
Become a member of Oregon Women Lawyers.
If you are already a member of OWLS, simply fill out the name and address section in the membership form, check off the “Contract Lawyers” box on the first page, and indicate that you are already a member of OWLS. You must include your email address.
Step Two:
If paying by check, return the completed membership form with your $20 payment to:
Oregon Women Lawyers
P.O. Box 40393
Portland, OR 97240
For more information
If you have any questions regarding the Contract Lawyers Service, please contact the OWLS office, 503.841.5720.
The Professional Liability Fund provides resources of interest to contract attorneys, including sample forms for setting up the contract lawyer relationship. The November 2013 OWLS CLE program designed for contract lawyers, entitled Contract Attorneys: Managing Expectations and Getting Paid, is available from the PLF website. Also, Contract Lawyering: Common Issues and Considerations can be found on the PLF site.
Note: The contract lawyer listserv is for informational purposes only, and is provided as a service to our members. OWLS does not endorse, review or recommend the individuals providing these legal services. While we encourage a healthy and meaningful discussion on all legal issues concerning our membership, OWLS reminds the group that it cannot endorse or encourage the setting of rates for attorneys, due to antitrust considerations.