April 12, 2016, is Equal Pay Day, the date that symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year. (Source: National Committee on Pay Equity.) On Equal Pay Day 2016, MLLS invites you to attend a presentation by Dr. Molly Mayhead entitled Talk is Not Cheap: An Examination of Public Argument about the Pay Gap. “Numerous sources indicate that women earn approximately $0.79 for every dollar earned by a man. However, there is more to that claim than a simple statistic. [Dr. Mayhead’s] goal is to examine this issue from a communication perspective, and to determine what language choices participants in the pay gap debate use to portray themselves, the issue, and their opponents.”
Dr. Mayhead is a Professor of Communication Studies at Western Oregon University. Her courses include Communication in the Legal Field, Communication and Controversy: Freedom of Speech in the United States, Law and Popular Culture, Rhetoric of the Women’s Movement, and more. Dr. Mayhead’s publications include “Beneath the Robes and Behind Closed Doors: Grounds of Justification and Extra-Legal Factors in the Supreme Court Sexual Privacy Cases of Griswold, Roe, and Bowers” (Michigan: UMI 1988), and “Victim Impact Statements as Narrative: Their Legal and Rhetorical Ramifications” (American Society of Trial Consultants Data Base, Dec 1998). She is an editor and contributing author to“Telling Political Lives: The Rhetorical Autobiographies of Women Leaders” (New Jersey: Lexington, 2008). Dr. Mayhead has given numerous presentations, including “Finding Her Voice: The Dissenting Opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg” (Northwest Communication Association Conference, April 2014), and “Recalling ‘Ancient Notions of a Woman’s Place’: A Rhetorical Analysis of Gonzales v. Carhart” (Northwest Communication Association Conference, April 2009).
One hour Access to Justice Oregon MCLE credit is pending. In recognition of Equal Pay Day 2016, the CLE fees will be approximately 79% of MLLS’ standard CLE fee structure:
Non-OWLS Member: $16 (regularly $20)
OWLS Member: $12 (regularly $15)
Post-grad Law Clerk: $8 (regularly $10)
As always, this event is FREE to student and guests not seeking CLE credit.
Brown bag lunches are welcome. Please RSVP.