This is the third in a three-part series.
OWLS-Mary Leonard Chapter and the Oregon New Lawyers Division present a panel discussion with Chief Judge Erika Hadlock (Oregon Court of Appeals), Gina Johnnie (Sherman Sherman Johnnie & Hoyt LLP), Michelle Morrow (Sherman Sherman Johnnie & Hoyt LLP), and Beth Vargas Duncan (Oregon Refuse and Recycling Association). Our panelists will tackle how to build a successful career on your terms and in your own way.
Wine, beer, and appetizers provided. The reception begins at 5:00, and the presentation begins at 5:30.
One CLE credit will be sought. OWLS members $15, nonmembers $20, judicial law clerks and new admittees $10. Free to students and those not seeking CLE credit. RSVP at the OWLS-MLC webpage.