Courthouse Connection continues its 2017 programming year with a timely CLE series on the marijuana industry in Oregon. This series spans the broad array of practice areas impacted by the recent changes to Oregon’s laws. Join us for the following presentations over the noon hour:
- April 18 — Mark Mayer (Office of Legislative Counsel) will offer an overview of laws relating to marijuana
- April 25 — John Albert (Sherman Sherman Johnnie & Hoyt, LLP) will outline the difficulties faced by landlords, as well as banks and other lenders
One CLE credit will be sought for each presentation. Brown bag or box lunches welcome. Cost for each CLE is $15. Free to students and those not seeking CLE credit.
Checks made out to the Marion County Bar Association may be sent in advance to Gina Johnnie at Sherman Sherman Johnnie & Hoyt LLP. Payments will also be accepted at the door.
Questions? Email Erin Dawson.