Join us at the offices of Garvey Schubert Barer, 121 SW Morrison, 11th floor in downtown Portland, for the final contract lawyers lunchtime gathering of 2015. Our guest speaker will be OWLS member Debbie Guyol. In addition to being a writing teacher, Debbie has worked as a Wall Street lawyer, a big-firm lawyer in downtown Portland, as a solo practitioner and as a contract lawyer. She is the co-author of the most widely-referenced book on contract lawyering, The Complete Guide to Contract Lawyering. This is a chance to ask your contract lawyering questions from someone who literally “wrote the book.” Feel free to bring your lunch.
There is no need to pre-register. This is not a CLE program, and it will not be recorded. We will have a phone-in option, however. If you want to phone in, please e-mail Diane no later than November 2.