When: Thursday, November 15th, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Where: 5285 Meadows Road conference room, Lake Oswego, OR
Cost: $10 for CWLS members / $15 for non-members
RSVP: Please RSVP or send questions to ericka.langone@fptransitions. com
CLE Credit: We will be applying for one (1.0) Access to Justice credit. If the program is not approved for Access to Justice, we will apply for one (1.0) General credit
This presentation focuses on two types of personality disorders that are overrepresented in most types of legal issues: borderline personality disorder (BPD) and antisocial personality disorder (ASD). Clients who present with these issues can be time-consuming, take away resources from other clients, and cause discord among staff. In this presentation, Cort Heroy, MA, LPC, will discuss with us how to spot and effectively manage clients with BPD and ASD, along with how such clients are likely to present with their attorney and in court, and how to get ahead of some of the damage that they can cause.
Cort Heroy, has 15 years of experience treating and managing individuals with significant personality and behavioral difficulties in a community clinic setting and has served as a mental health investigator and mental health examiner for Douglas and Lane Counties. Cort now runs his own consulting business which focuses on client management and trial consulting.