Umpqua Bank Plaza, 1 SW Columbia St, 4th Floor, Columbia Room, Portland & Virtual via Zoom
It is almost time for our New Member Recruitment Season. OWLS is hosting a social event and opportunity for members to assist with member outreach preparation. We will be organizing information that will be used for the mid-year pro-rated membership drive for the second half of the member year, with reduced dues beginning April 1. Volunteers will be able to visit with other participants online and onsite while working on assigned tasks.
Pizza will be available for in-person attendees in Portland and members from around the state are invited to attend virtually as individuals or as small groups to assist with planning outreach for your geographic area by Zoom.
This is a drop-in-style event, and you may join us for all or part of the time block. It is a one-time volunteer event for OWLS who want to volunteer, but don’t have room for a committee time commitment. Current committee members and other OWLS Leaders are also welcome to assist with this project.
If you are unable to attend this event and would like to support new member recruitment in another way, please visit the OWLS website for more information about enhanced membership tiers, a sample email to invite a friend or colleague to join OWLS, and/or to complete a one question survey about What OWLS means to you.
Member testimonials and personal invitations continue to be the primary way that new lawyers find our community.