OWLS Volunteer & Member Registration
Membership Renewals or Sign-ups
Law student memberships are available at no cost.
Newly admitted lawyer memberships are available with reduced dues.
OWLS has 7 active local chapters throughout the state, 7 standing committees
and seasonal task forces organizing CLE’s, networking/social events, and more.
Please email [email protected] with questions.
OWLS Events & Info Sheets
OWLS Portland Metro Area Info Sheet
A quick reference to OWLS offerings in the local area
New Admittee Social – Oct. 16 (Beaverton)
Loyal Legion, 4500 SW Watson Ave., Beaverton (https://tinyurl.com/488xpu6x for details) Join the
Washington County OWLS Chapter, Lawyers’ Association of Washington County, from 5:30 pm –
7:30 pm for a celebration of new admittees, including L&C grads, to the Oregon Bar!
Trick or Treat on Main Street – Oct. 26 (Milwaukie)
Milwaukie City Hall, across from public parking lot at SE Main & Harrison, Milwaukie
(https://tinyurl.com/wxmsff7a for details) Join the Clackamas County OWLS Chapter from 1:00
pm – 4:00 pm for family friendly fun! We will saunter and mingle and soak in the fun of the season
while visiting great shops and small businesses that call Milwaukie Main Street home.
Annual Fall CLE and Reception – Nov. 7 (Portland/Virtual)
Virtual or in-person at The Hilton (Downtown), 921 SW 6th Ave, Portland, OR 97204
(https://tinyurl.com/4wjzyb6y for details and to register) Join OWLS virtually or in Portland for a
CLE from 1:00 pm – 4:15 pm on The Impact of Generative AI and the Legal System. Fall
networking reception (in-person only) to immediately follow CLE.
Holiday Lunch Honoring Women Judges – Dec. 10 (Portland)
Sentinel Hotel, 614 SW 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97205 (https://tinyurl.com/snwuwrrd for details)
Join the Multnomah County OWLS Chapter, Queen’s Bench, for the Annual Holiday Luncheon in
honor of women judges. Live music begins at 11:30 with the program to begin at noon.
OWLS Online 2nd Thursdays of Even Months at Noon (Virtual)
Zoom (https://tinyurl.com/4dzap8ct for details and to register to receive meeting link)
OWLS Online hosts virtual networking events as follows: informal conversation between 11:45 and
noon; Welcome, self-introductions and announcements beginning at 12:00; Short program at
12:15; Breakout room networking at 12:35; and Ending at 1:00. No cost. Upcoming Dates: Dec. 12
Portland Metro Chapters
Multnomah County – Queen’s Bench
Clackamas County – Clackamas Women Lawyers
Washington County – Lawyers’ Association of Washington County
Our sister organization, The OWLS Foundation, is focused on advancing and enhancing equity, inclusion, and belonging in the Oregon legal profession and promoting access to justice for underserved people with grants for eligible lawyers and law students. Visit the OWLS Foundation website for more details.