OWLS Queen’s Bench Chapter |
Phoenixes RisingMultnomah County Commissioner
Tuesday, June 8, 2021, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Jessica Vega Pederson has served as a Multnomah County Commissioner since January 2017. As Commissioner, she led the work on Preschool for All, which voters approved in November 2020 to provide universal preschool for all 3 and 4-year-old children in Multnomah County. She sits on several regional transportation committees and champions legislation on environmental justice, climate, and air quality. Before being elected as county commissioner, Jessica served as a State Representative in the Oregon legislature, where she was the first Latina elected to the House. Commissioner Vega Pederson is passionate about creating opportunities for Black, Indigenous and people of color, women, and working parents to thrive. In high school and on the campaign trail, Commissioner Vega Pederson experienced bias about her identities as a Latina and as a mother. These experiences did not deter her from seeking leadership positions, whether that be as a student activist, a state representative, or a County commissioner. Instead, they propelled her into roles where she can serve as a leader in her community and create meaningful policy. |
The 2021 theme of the Queen’s Bench lunchtime CLE series is “Phoenixes Rising.” At our monthly, free CLEs open to all, you will hear touching stories from women-identified professionals (including but not limited to lawyers) who have overcome extraordinary challenges to become leaders in our state. We hope their stories will inspire you to view 2020’s difficulties as springboards for your future professional successes. Queen’s Bench CLEs are simulcast on Zoom and FacebookLive the second Tuesday of the month from noon until 1 PM. |