OWLS Online
Thursday, June 8, 12-1
Topic: Why US laws must expand beyond the nuclear family
Diana Adams | TEDWomen | December 2021
The nuclear family model may no longer be the norm in the US, but it’s still the basis for social and economic benefits like health care, tax breaks and citizenship. Lawyer and LBGTQIA advocate Diana Adams believes that all families, regardless of biological relationship or legal marriage, are deserving of equal legal rights and recognition. They present a vision for how US laws can benefit all families — from same-sex bonds to multi-parent partnerships — and explain how a more inclusive definition of family could strengthen your relationships and community.
Please join the OWLS Membership Committee for OWLS Online in even months on Second Thursdays at Noon.
OWLS Online, formerly known as First Wednesday, is the result of the virtual chapter interest survey where OWLS members asked for a virtual event for networking with members of the OWLS community. In 2023, we will continue to hold lunch hour Zoom events with short programs and extra time for small group discussion, as follows: informal conversation between 11:45 and noon; Welcome, self-introductions and announcements beginning at 12:00; Short program at 12:15; Breakout room networking at 12:35; and Ending at 1:00.
This is your opportunity to share ideas for OWLS programming
The OWLS Membership Committee has started a shared worksheet for OWLS members to add topic suggestions, including links to a video or speaker bio. Please view the 2023 schedule and share your topic ideas here.
This is your opportunity to hone leadership skills with OWLS
If there is interest in formalizing a virtual chapter (and volunteers for the leadership team), then the format, leadership structure, and other details will be further developed to request official recognition by the OWLS Board. In the meantime, membership committee members and the OWLS office will facilitate the schedule.
If you are interested in volunteering to host or coordinate an OWLS Online program or in volunteering to coordinate programs on a different schedule due to a standing conflict at noon on second Thursdays in even months, please contact Mary Dougherty with “OWLS Online” in the subject line about becoming an organizer.