The MLC Chili Cook-off originally scheduled in Oct 2024, is being rescheduled to March 1, 2025. Details are below.
Please click below to sign up. Let us know if you’re bringing chili.
Mary Leonard Chapter of Oregon Women Lawyers: Chili Cook Off
Unlimited tastings/bowls: $2.50 per child, $5.00 per adult & $10 per family.
You can pay ahead of time by going to:
Classic– With beans or without. Bring your best entry.
Vegetarian– Put your best bean or other vegetarian chili up for the test.
Anything Goes – Chicken verde, butternut squash, or a recipe so secret you’re not willing to say.
Best overall
2nd place
3rd place
- Entries must be dropped off by 11:30
- Judging begins at 11:40
- Label category and ingredients. This is a blind taste test. Please put your name on the back of the card provided at dropoff. (we’ll use 3 x 5 cards if you’d like to bring one already prepared).
- One entry per person
- Bring your chili ready to eat (crockpot preferred)
- Prepare enough for judging and to share
- Serving utensils, sample cups and bowls will be provided.
- Feel free to bring extra toppings if you’d like. (we’ll provide cheese and sour cream)
Thank you!