Ethics from the Top!
When: July 26, 2018 from noon to 1:30
Where: Eugene Federal Courthouse, Jury Assembly Room
Please join your colleagues for a free ethics CLE. Our keynote speaker is Amber Hollister, General Counsel for OSB and President of OWLS.
Ms. Hollister’s presentation focuses on two areas:
1) The Brave New World of Lawyer Advertising: the first part will focus on use of social media/lead generators and recent revisions to the rules of professional conduct.
2) Avoiding Discipline. the second part will review the disciplinary process and provide a survey of ethics issues most likely to result in complaints and discipline. Something for everyone
Please RSVP at [email protected] so we know how much lunch to prepare. If you forget to RSVP, come anyway!
The Lane County Women Lawyers chapter of Oregon Women Lawyers (OWLS) is generously sponsoring this CLE so your lunch and the CLE credits are free. This CLE series is provided through the combined efforts of Lane County Circuit Court, Oregon Federal District Court, Oregon Chapter of the Federal Bar Association, UO School of Law, LCBA and its Federal Court and Debtor/Creditor committees, and Lane County Women Lawyers.