Membership Committee CLE:
Data Privacy & Cyber Security: What Every Lawyer Needs to Know
July 26 Noon
Call-in only
Lawyers take for granted the benefits of practicing law in the 21st century: online research tools, the ease of creating and storing client files and the speed of email communications and document transmissions. But law firms – big and small — have become treasure troves for bad actors ready to monetize on valuable data: intellectual property, sensitive information re mergers, social security numbers, personal, protected health or payment card information. How can lawyers protect themselves from these attacks? Are there any ethical obligations with regard to safeguarding client data?
In this CLE you will learn the following:
- Common cyber threats for lawyers/law firms of all sizes
- Ethical obligations for lawyers
- An overview of data privacy laws in the U.S.
- Potential claims, lawsuits and government investigations
- Best practices: How to mitigate common threats and comply with statutory requirements.
Speakers: Simone McCormick and Bryan Thompson (Click for Bio)
Materials: Data Privacy and Cybersecurity PPT or PDF (same document in two formats)
Call-in Information:
To participate, call 712.775.7000, enter participant code 990709#, press 1 to confirm the participant code and then enter *6. Note that if you don’t have free minutes on your phone plan, it will be a toll call.
- Even though you will be asked to announce yourself, please don’t.
- Make sure you mute your phone by entering *6. Towards the end of the hour, there will be a brief question and answer period.
- Please do not wait until the exact time of the program to call in as the flood of dial-ins may cause you to receive an error message, and your joining the call is followed by an audible beep which is distracting to the attendees. Ideally, participants will dial in five minutes before the program starts.
- Avoid hanging up until the program fully concludes as your leaving the call is indicated by an audible tone.
CLE Credit:
- After you have listened to the entire program, please email Cassondra with the statement “ I attended the call-in CLE today.” and your name and your full six digit OSB number so that we may submit a record of your attendance to the Oregon State Bar MCLE Department.
- This CLE is free to OWLS members. Non-OWLS can submit their $10 event fee for CLE credit here.
- Should you wish to have access to the many free CLEs and other events throughout the year, join OWLS here.
- Note: You will have five days after the CLE to submit payment or join OWLS and to affirm your attendance. Requests received after this date, and those who fail to affirm their attendance may not be included in the attendance reporting.
This program was granted the following MCLE credits: 0.5 hour of General Credits, 0.5 hour of Ethics Credits.
Program Number: 1024*199